Monday, December 8, 2008

Larry David episode

I didn't see the episode as a mockery of religion at all. I think it just exposed the fanaticism and commercialism of our society in regards to our beliefs. Many people take things too seriously in life and don't take the time to laugh at themselves or listen to the opinions of others. Larry David just seems to be very good at pointing those kind of things out. I remember the one other episode I saw. I believe his mother died, and he realized that whenever he told people that he tended to get away with things. So he eventually started abusing that excuse. I personally found the episode very funny and insightful. I looked at it from the perspective of how common that behavior is; preying on the sympathy of others and allowing people to abuse a situation. As a society, in certain situations we allow ourselves to excuse others for their own wrongdoings. That episode was just a way of forcing the audience to take an introspective look at itself. The religion episode used parody to make a point that I think many people have contemplated but don't discuss in public out of fear: our beliefs are kind of silly.

All religions and beliefs look foolish in one way or another. All-powerful beings that turn into animals to have affairs with innocent girls? Superpowers such as turning water into wine or feeding a thousand people on one loaf of bread? Or even believing that Santa Claus knows every minute of our lives. Who comes up with this stuff? Isn't it logical to think that some things just sound weird when you actually think of them LOGICALLY? I suppose then that that's the point of faith: to believe in the ridiculous. We should all try to remind ourselves to stop taking everything so seriously all of the time. If someone tells you they do not believe in the same things you do or think your beliefs are weird then that should be acceptable. You shouldn't feel obligated to defend yourself or convert the other person "over to your side." This is not a competition. There is no almighty scoreboard tallying off your number of conversions, and if there is who cares? Life is way to short and fast to worry about what other people think of your beliefs. We would laugh a lot more if we took the time to see things from another perspective.

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