Saturday, February 21, 2015

The problem with pictures....

So have you ever looked over some old pictures and realized "wow I totally looked like I was dating someone I never did?" That was my life just now. I decided to go over some old Facebook pictures because I want to get out into the workforce and I wanted to make sure I didn't have any photos that, you know, made me look unemployable. At first I was like "oh wow, these are great" and "that was so fun!" and just generally filled with warm nostalgia. But I slowly realized that a couple of my pictures, without the proper context, made me look like I was dating someone I then thought of as a brother. Looking back on them NOW I was able to see why people were constantly insinuating there was more going on.

I know this post seems incredibly vacant, but I have spent my day getting rid of a lot of things I no longer need. Most of them were old toys that I had been stockpiling in my closet for no reason other than I was apparently aspiring to be a professional hoarder at some point in time. Now that I have a couple of bags full of things ready to donate, I can't help but feel really cleansed and excited about moving forward. I felt the same way when I was going through my old photos. The aforementioned guy and I are no longer friends and the end of our friendship wasn't exactly positive to say the least. But instead of feeling negative when I saw the pictures I was able to laugh and look back on those times fondly. I guess what I am trying to get at is, there's probably some kind of epic metaphor that ties together my cleaning out my closet and being able to let go of the past, but I'm not patient enough to pull it together. I can only hope to continue to utilize this way of thinking in my future, so that I can create more pictures to one day look back on.

1 comment:

Karrah said...

I am totally in love with this!